Coatings for Drink water pipeline transmission |
High quality epoxy non-solvent coating materials are available to meet the sanitary requirements at all levels and fully live up to the standards for drink water internal coating materials. It is outstanding in adhesion and resistant to inorganic acid and alkaline. |
Internal coatings for drainage pipelines |
Modified epoxy resin coatings can be applied in 95℃,5%NaCl solution. It is widely used for internal pipe coating of domestic sewage , bittern and industrial wastewater due to its water-based property and outstanding adhesion. |
Internal coatings for crude oil gathering pipelines |
Tyhoo provides solvent based epoxy phenolic coatings, solvent-free epoxy phenolic coatings and Multi functional epoxy coating. |
Internal coatings series for seawater desalination |
The coating materials fully meets the seawater transportation requirement with good salt water resistant and anti-bacteria as well as excellent adhesion property. It offsets the negative pressure impact on internal coating peeling caused by huge height difference. We offer solvent based epoxy phenolic coatings, solvent-free epoxy phenolic coatings and FBE coating materials. |
Internal coatings series for Drill pipes |
Outstanding wear-resistant and chemical resistant property with good adhesion allows it to withstand high temperature environment over 200℃. With its application under all drilling environments, we offer epoxy phenolic coatings and FBE coating materials. |
Internal coatings for OCTG pipes |
With excellent chemical resistant performance, especially its HF ,HCL and HNO3 acid tolerant property, our coating materials are your perfect choice for acidizing and fracturing work. The coating materials are strong in adhesion, capable of withstanding high temperature and pressure, anti-sewage reinjection and excellent in anti-corrosion on HRB and corrosive media. We supply solvent based epoxy phenolic coatings. |
External coatings for transmission pipelines |
We are in a position to supply PE,PP, Adhesives , FBE and double FBE coating materials. Special FBE is also available for various demands to provide solution for the high temperature and non carbon steel anti-corrosion coating. |
Other special coatings | Tyhoo provides the coating materials of extremely strong adhesion (>60MPa), low temperature repair coatings and weld joint coating materials. |